Saturday, July 27, 2019

Wake Up and Smell the Covfefe

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee! 
Come on and
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up
It's time, smell the coffee, the coffee
-The Cranberries

 *Takes a deep breath and inhale...Relax, she mumbles to herself, enjoy the coffee. This is your moment. This is your five minutes before all the chaos starts. The smell of coffee is delightful its deep rich flavor fills the air permeating past the lid and the warm cream slips past her tongue as she sips. It's in this moment that she is at peace and all is right with the world. No phone calls, No loud noises of the world to fill her head...Just the coffee...and that's all that's needed.

The Look: Wake Up and Smell the Covfefe
 Musical Inspiration: Wake up and Smell the Coffee, Cranberries 

Hair-Lamb. Haze
Flower- Lamb. Little Daisy
Shirt- The Secret Store - Aliz Crop Top - Coral
Pants- Blueberry - Natalia - Flare Jeans - Sky
**Coffee Cup- The Bearded Guy - Tasty Set- Starducks Cup Classic
**Coffee Background- The Bearded Guy-Bar - Cafe Jeronimo Set - RARE
**Tables and Chairs- The Bearded Guy- Table and Chairs - Cafe Jeronimo Set

***Second Chance Event
THANK YOU for Coffee Break

Monday, July 22, 2019

I Love It!

i Love it!
You're on a different road, I'm in the milky way
You want me down on earth, but I am up in space
You're so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch
You're from the 70's, but I'm a 90's bitch
Icona Pop, I love it! 

Please pardon the lack of writing in today's post. Its been a rough couple of weeks. My Birthday is this week, too. My brain is slightly preoccupied but I will be back on track soon.

Musical Inspiration: I Love IT!- Icona Pop

The Look- I Love It! 
Hair- Lamb. Black Honey - Variety
Necklace- Yummy Boxing Gloves Charm - Silver
**Dress: TO.KISKI - Katerin dress / M. Lara 
Shoes-BREATHE-Belle Heels-M.LARA

***Second Chance Event- SALE ITEM

Saturday, July 20, 2019

God Put a Smile Upon your Face

Heart Bombs, Name and post to update soon
"I've gotta say I'm on my way down
God give me style and give me grace
God put a smile upon my face"

God Put a Smile up your Face- Coldplay 

Recently, I've been facing some.....well....the most polite way I can phrase it is challenges. (smirk)

One of the safe topics I can mention is my lawn care fiasco. I got a ticket for my lawn because it was slightly higher than the allowed limit for the city's requirement and I had no wiggle room. I was brought into court and had to pay a fine (under 100 doll hairs.) It's a criminal offense similar to a traffic violation. (I know, weirdness, right? I have a story about getting a ticket in Italy over a bus meter if you ever want to hear about unusual violations I've received. You can't travel without the occasional odd story or two, right?)

Back to my story, I did feel getting this ticket was not warranted but it was beyond my control. So how did I make this feel right for me? Flower seeds, Yes, you read correctly Flower Seeds. After I got over the initial shock of getting the ticket I did something PRODUCTIVE. I bought 3 boxes of flowers to plant in my lawn randomly. I just scattered them into the yard in hopes that they would grow into something beautiful. Flower Bombs I called them.

So what do we do when were faced with such great challenges they become hazardous to our heath and negative beyond what is considered, "normal"? We have to drop LOVE Bombs on people and work against the mob mentality. There is a psychological theory called the Bystander effect. (I'm citing my favorite source, Wikipedia...which is a totally reliable source of information. ;)) 

The bystander effect is something along these lines of, someone in NEED of HELP may not get the aid they need because of the attention the problem receives and it incites apathy. The more we see the problem and have it highlighted without ACTION the worse the situation can be for the victim. More people will be inclined to take the mentality of the larger group and not help. Monkey see Monkey do do.

Sometimes it takes ONE person to make a change and extend the hand to make the situation better. Sometimes it takes a person of influence to stand up and help turn the situation into completely different. It takes courage to stand up and make that change. It takes great character to use your influence for good. Some greatly lack the candor it takes to do this through no fault of their own. It's not an innate behavior but it is one that can become cultivated.

So some things I've been mulling over with my personal challenges. 
Accept help, even if it seems misplaced and becomes overwhelming. What may feel as harassment may just be someone's good intentions gone astray or them not being able to approach the uniqueness of your situation in a way that is appropriate for you to accept as aid.

Give people the benefit of the doubt, even when they don't deserve it. You may be wrong.

Acknowledgment in itself is a WIN, because the more people are involved the harder it will be to cover it up...and acknowledgment of the situation is more than I ever had before.

I wish I could say I'm optimistic about my situation, but I'm not. Opportunity is too great for some and the temptation to elevate themselves beyond the muck is difficult when the monkey see, Monkey doo doo is in full effect.

Thank you for the ones that have tried. I do notice your efforts....and to the other ones. Please take some time to reflect upon yourself.

The Look: God Put a Smile Upon your Face

Musical Inspiration: God Put a Smile Upon your Face

Hair: Truth, Alias- VIP Gift
Crown: Glam Affair - Boho Headband Bride
Nose Ring:[ rD ] Alight Nose Ring
Dress: **Munereia -Light- Verfa

**Second Chance Event

Monday, July 15, 2019

Digital Love

Digital Love, Interstella 555 
Last night I had a dream about you
In this dream, I'm dancing right beside you
And it looked like everyone was having fun
The kind of feeling I've waited so long

I've been a long time fan of Daft Punk's Interstella 555 for many years; so imagine my excitement when I wandered into the Crystal Heart Academy and found BonBon's Gacha's set, Interstellar idol. I knew at first sight I would be blogging and spending way too many lindens trying to capture my ideal space idol look.

BonBon, is a new to me store...meaning prior to attending this event I had never had the pleasure of shopping BonBon. BonBon is cute, well designed and certainly managed to capture my attention. Now, I have to highlight what I really wanted out of the set, a microphone. BonBon's gacha set includes three microphones styles. I crossed my fingers, kissed my elbows and kept purchasing until I managed to get my pick out of the bunch.

In all of you haven’t checked out Crystal Heart Academy I strongly suggest you do. The Crystal Heart Academy event runs in Second Life from June 30th until July 28 so there is still 12 more blissful shopping days left. How can I describe the Crystal Heart Academy???'s like a Manga and Anime school themed event. You won’t be disappointed if you’re a fan of cute anime style themed. Sailor Moon is big here, and yes she may make you totally think the wrong thing ;)

Now, for something a little more personal

For those that keep up with the Bells' real life; I on occasion sing karaoke in Second Life. It is slightly liberating to let go and sing. I want to stress I am not a professional by any means, I’m really self conscious and there are so many wonderful singers in Second life that the thought of Bells getting on a stage was ridiculous in my mind. When it comes to SL music...I've always been the fan, aid and some have called me cheerleader.  I don’t think I’m cringe worthy or tomato tossing but I am mediocre at best.

What I’ve discovered is it’s all mood based for me, meaning I have to be happy and in good spirits in order to sing or else I won’t have the will to give it my best. I really have to want to perform..and yes, that’s exactly what it is when I sing a performance. It’s fun. The biggest benefit I've managed to get out of this is overcoming my fear of public speaking. (slightly)

I've been in toastmasters, given presentation in front of large groups and taught overseas being in front of people strikes FEAR into my heart and causes great panic attacks. You can hear it in my voice, see it in my face and years of working on it in both a professional and private manner were never really able to help me over come it.

Singing exposes one of the most vulnerable most protected parts of my person. I've done at home karaoke for many years, but that was it at home in the privacy of my home not SHARED with others. It was my own way to release stress and have fun. I did feel when this first started that I was forced into sharing this part of myself, but I figured I had two choices. Lose something I love so dearly that is a HUGE part of who I am or...OWN IT! and, well I decided that singing in a public format means I designate a TIME and PLACE when it is APPROPRIATE to share part of myself with others. Taking back control or something like that.

The Look- Digital Love

Musical Inspiration: Digital Love 
Hair-Foxy - Kitsune Hair
Dress-BonBon, Interstllar Idol, 04
Microphone-BonBon, Radio and Microphone
Crystal Heart Academy