Monday, March 2, 2015

Let down

Let Down....disappointed and Crushed...

 Ever have one of those days or periods in your life where everything seems like a let down? You get passed up for the promotion; the cute guy you like is not interested; someone made a promise then broke it; miss that limited time sale at your favorite shop. (ok perhaps this last one isn't a big let down) This pretty much captures my life and mood at the moment. I'm sure I just need a few days to get over the sadness that develops when you are: let down, disappointed and crushed. As for today, I'm going to have Radiohead's, "Let down" on repeat until I find something else to lift my spirits.

The Look- Let Down
Hair-Tableau Vivant~ My love hair - Basics
Skin-Glam Affair - Alice Cygana - Jamaica
Tears-Adam n Eve-Eye Tattoo Tearful
Short Romper- Tee*fy Lana V-Neck Romper - Pink

Musical Inspiration-

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