Thursday, September 30, 2010

Poison Ivy...You can look but you better not touch

So I've got that Halloween buzz already which is making me anxious to start dressing up. Originally this post was intended for my plurky blogger challenge, which was supposed to showcase only my hair shoes and skin, but wouldn't you know it I found some lingerie I simply couldn't resist posting. The lingerie is from Luxuria and is part of the latest release from  Roslin Petion, of 5th and Oxford. As soon as I saw it I knew it would be the perfect compliment to these roses that wrapped around my body. I decided to go for a villainess look and do my take on Poison Ivy.

The Look- Poison Ivy
*Hair- LAMB! , Lamb Bellic- Sick Muse- Blood Fruit- 75L Christmas Special 2009
*Skin- Gala Skins- Gala Phoenix, Moonbeam (Dark) Elf- Christmas Group Gift From 2009
Shadow Liner- L Fauna, Launa Fauna- Shadow Edge- 2.0 Tattoo Layer
Lingerie- Luxuria, Roslin Petion- Belinda- Turquoise
Shoes-Bax Boots, Bax Coen-Black Leather
Roses- AtomicBambi, AtomicSparkle Skytower- Body Vine- Rapture (Ruby)
*Freebie Items or Discounted 

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