Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Plurky Blogger Challenge Quattro (4), The Background

This weeks Plurky Blogger Challenge is all about the background. I decided to show my favorite place in SL to take photos. Yep, My home.


Here is a front shot of my home. It's design is from Aya Liotta of Adobe. This home is one that was given to me as a review item before I left for my vacation this summer. As soon as I rezzed Niko, I knew it would be perfect for my Fall home. Yes, I tend to change homes as the seasons change through the year. Niko home has a total of three rooms and two patio areas. It's only 217 prims which left me with plenty of space to decorate for all the holidays that are approaching. I'm already working on my Halloween decorating.


Now, I really enjoy using my home as a photo spot because I feel it's really reflective of my style. I'm also lazy when it comes to exploring at times. I often change my home to match a photo that I'm working on, adding different props and in some cases rezzing special rooms. My backyard area is where I take most of my photos. Here is where I have the most space. I also have a giant photosphere that frankie referres to it as the UFO. The photosphere is where I get all my basic, plain Jane background shot in. I also rezz a prim and incorporate textures from Distressed textures for a little more pop to basic backgrounds. Currently I'm enjoying using the white room set.


Finally, The plurky blogger challenge bonus included the color orange. I felt that I had worn so much orange so far this season so I decided to tone down the amount I was sporting during this last shot. I'm only highlighting the color orange rather than having it cover me from head to toe. :D I hope you enjoyed my background post for the plurky blogger challenge.

*No Credits due to illness in RL. LM included for review Items.

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