Monday, September 6, 2010

"Gone, But Not Forgotten", Blogger Challenge Due (2)

So spring boarding right off the heels from last weeks Plurky Blogger Challenge here is week number 2, "Gone but not forgotten". If you still haven't signed up for the challenge please do. This week there is a special challenge dedicated to the color Red so please keep your eyes open for that post.

Today's post was quite the excursion because finding designers that are no longer creating or on a hiatus (6 months w/o updates) and still in your inventory is quite the accomplishment. (Since most SLers tend to delete items for inventory cleanup.) I wanted to add an extra bit of criteria on this post for myself and wanted to refrain from using stores that were part of, "The Big Four". In turn I became extremely happy with my look.

"Gone, But Not Forgotten",Blogger Challenge Due (2)

Hair- Marlys-Marleen Vaughan- Blacklight Beanster,Red- Acquired March 2008
Marly's was pretty great back in the day. I loved the retro, edgy, eclectic designs this store had available. This hair was one I purchased because of the total rockability look it carried. I enjoyed the fact that the buns were lined up across from top to bottom and gave this hair an equestrian look. The color was so vibrant that wearing it was a bold statement in itself. According to Marleen's profile she is currently away from SL. Under Picks and Classifieds there is no information listed. One can only assume Marlys is no longer open.

Skin-BEBAE-Torie Senne, Belina Cara Runway2b, Acquired Feb 2009
When this skin was purchased, I was in a skin rut dying to try something different and break away from the MM skins I had been wearing. I asked for advice and Luna Jubliee suggested I visit this shop. It's the only skin store that I have in my inventory that meet the requirements for this blog post btw. The last release from this store was March 2009, according to the BEBAE webiste, so I count this store as on a hiatus.

Glasses- Gudshu-Gudshu Udal-Geek-Acquired Dec 2006
Gudshu's Geek glasses have been with me since my earliest months in SL. They were the first purchase I had in SL. At the time a lot of people that I had meet in SL looked very similar. I wanted to stand out a bit so I opted to purchase Gudshu glasses. These glasses were the first experience in tinting and manipulating prims.  I'm afraid I was never able to set these glasses correctly. I remember Gudshu had asked for customer to send in their photo wearing his glasses and here is mine.  I can't believe I actually found it in my inventory.

"Gone, But Not Forgotten",Blogger Challenge Due (2)
Dress and Pant Combo

Church of Lux- Lo Jacobs
GNUbie-The LBD- Acquired Aug 2009
Naomi, Smoke Skinny Jeans- Acquired Feb 2009
Church of Lux was a store I first discovered along the Tableau sim. I was extremely sad to view Lo Jacobs' profile and see that this store was no longer in business. The dresses was a cute freebie. A teaser to the designs Lo created. The pants were a part of a outfit for winter. All items had excellent quality and several layer options which became perfect for mixing and matching. 

Paper Couture, Lu Sisters
Nightengale Jacket, Acquired Feb 2009
Black Orchid Necklace
To be fair PC, is not closed, but the last release was in Jan2010/ Dec of 2009 so I'm going to count it as a hiatus. We all know that PC will probably be back soon and that the Lu sisters will shock and awe us with their brilliant designs. The jacket I choose because of the feather aspect on the collar as well as the lavender color. The necklace has hints of lavender encased by the simmering black pearls. The most unique thing about these two pieces are the use of prims or textures. I love that instead of creating a heavy piece of jewelry PC, decided to provide drawn jewelry that is placed along the undershirt layer of their designs. I hope to see some tattoo layer jewelry, which I think would be an interesting concept for future works. The jacket also provides an interesting perspective with the use of prims.

Shoes Style Starts Here, Simone Stern, Couture Ankle Boots, Feb 2009
Simone! was one of the first stores I ever visited in SL and was always a stop when I was searching for a ballgown or costume. What I loved about this store is that in most cases undies were included in the dresses. Which was great because you wouldn't suffer from embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions. Simone! is another store that I consider hiatus, I tried finding out when the last release was but there was no website available. When visiting this store there was no new releases and the last blog entry on the forums page was dated from 2009. When taking a peak at Simone's profile there is a message about her being back on a limited basis.

I tried to include where I found the information on the last releases these designers had, but sadly some are not available. If these designers do start creating again or if they have new identities please let me know. I would hate to be missing out on some great items. Also I apologize if these stores are not on a hiatus and I overlooked something.

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